Tuesday, June 2, 2009

07-06-2009 (Week 20-21) - Ultimate Frisbee

The last weekend Margalit and Scully were in Europe we met up in Geneva, Switzerland for a tournament called Talampaya. Our team name: The International Joint Commission. Oddly enough, the IJC actually exists (http://www.ijc.org/) and the were kind enough to actually let us use their logo on our jerseys. This made sense because the team was mainly comprised of Americans and Canadians (with some coming from the Netherlands as well).

When I first arrived (I travelled alone), I had a bookbag on my back and a frisbee in my hand. Lucky for me, there were people on the lookout for travelers carrying fribees. One player found me and gave me directions on how to get to the fields. Later, he skyed me in match play...

The tournament was great. We were what I would call a middle of the road type team, not the greatest, but certainly not the worst. One thing we were the best at was dodgeball. Each time we played a team in frisbee, immediately following we challenged them to dodgeball. The results were always the same. Our team always won. Afterwards we had north americans vs. matches. Results still the same: America!!! Our spirited play in dodgeball after each game led our team to take home the coveted spirit award for the tournament. Unfortunately for me, I wasn't around to witness the victory, as I headed back before the 3 day tournament was over.

The following weekend I played in a local tournament in Toulouse called 'Hot Tolosa.' This was a hat draw tournament. For those not up to date on their ultimate frisbee lingo, it means the teams were chosen randomly. Unfortunately for me, I had to work the Saturday morning the tournament started. It had been raining all morning when I arrived, but once I got there, the skies cleared up and it turned out to be a beautiful weekend.

My team wasn't the highest skilled team at the tournament, but definitely the most fun. We enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere of the hat draw tournament, and I even got some of them to drink some budweisers (which i found in the local supermarket here).

That night there was a big party, which started with a large dinner followed by a wine race. The wine race was actually a relay race with 4 people on each team. The goal is to send one player down at a time to drink wine. After each player has drank their fill, they are tasked with spinnign in a circle 10 times before racing back to the original starting point. Of course, the fourth person must finish off the bottle, so it is important that each person drinks their share of wine.

Afterwards everyone went back to their respective tents for a good nights rest before the next day of Ultimate on Sunday. I haven't played this much ultimate since college....


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